Interns & Volunteers
The museum offers unpaid internships to college students interested in History and Museum Studies. Appropriate candidates learn a variety of tasks from collection management to exhibit installation and assist with our educational programs. We are willing to work with your school should college credit be available. Students from Stonehill College, Brandeis , NYU, Empire College, Columbia, Cornell, Northeastern, Curry College, Fashion Institute of Technology, Dominican College, SUNY Albany, St. Thomas Aquinas College, Hartwick College, L.I.U. and Rockland Community College have participated in our program.
The museum is fortunate to have a team of accomplished volunteers to help in its daily activities. From acting as Sunday Docents for exhibits, to cataloging and preparing artifacts, assisting with research and exhibit installation, the volunteers are a crucial component to the success of the museum. Various projects are available.
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Send a message to intern or volunteer at The Orangetown Historical Museum & Archives!