Past Exhibitions


Orangetown Memory Project (2022)
Preserving the Past informs the future; it takes more than words, architecture & objects. It requires a type of literary imagination. History is about the continuity of place that occurs within the context of change. Living with landmarks can anchor a community and celebrate daily creative reciprocity. Period photographs present a type of magic mirror and hand written documents shift us into a slower, more formal gear. As we question who we are, finding out who we were adds immeasurable value to our daily lives. In this place that was settled by colonists from The Netherlands in the 17th century, the mysterious Dutch Merchant Wearing a Falling Lace Collar centers our exhibition. The story of how he got here is as serendipitous and colorful as our Blauvelt descendants. It is a celebration of now through the precious, incommunicable past. It is a key to the future. Let’s consider what is old in a new way.